Annual General Meeting of the Philosophy and Religion Society of Thailand

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

8.30 – 9.00 Registration

9.00 – 10.15 Panel Discussion (in English): “Doing Research in Philosophy and/or Religion in South-east Asia” / Panelists: Frank Hoffman and Warayuth Sriwarakuel / Moderator: Soraj Hongladarom

10.15 –10.30 Break English Papers

10:00-10:20 Samuel McCormick / “Buddhist Heidegger & Buddhist Lacan in Thailand Today”

10:20-10:40 Lois Lee / “A Jamesian Circularity: The Concept of the Divine in the Perception of Religious Objects”

10:40-11:00 Nicholas Rimell “Animalism Is Interesting, Important, and (Quite Plausibly) True”

11:00-11:20 Hazel T. Biana / “My Love from Southeast Asia: Viewpoints on Immortality and Reincarnation in K-dramas”

11:20-11:40 Virgilio A. Rivas / “Everyday Nihilism in Southeast Asia: Interpolating Spiritual Life with the Brain-Screen”

11:40-12:00 Jeremiah Joven Joaquin and Soraj Hongladarom / “Global Philosophy of Religion Project: Plans and Prospects”

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch 13:00-13:20 Frank J. Hoffman / “Taking a Point of View on a Debatable Question Concerning Karma and Rebirth.”

13:20-13:40 Audwin Wilkinson / “Interlanguage and Interbeing: A Buddhist Model for Advanced Language Acquisition”

13:40-14:00 Phurpa Dorji / “Shantideva’s Emptiness and Mehm Tim Mon’s Three Characteristics”

14:00-14:20 Christos Tsitsiridakis / “A Journey through the Mediaeval Argumentation for God’s Existence”

14.20-14.30 Break

14:30-14:50 Jan Mehlich / “Epistemological and Metaethical Constructivism in Buddhist Philosophy”

14:50-15:10 Pablo B. Sánchez Gómez / “The End of Times and the Messianism in Martin Heidegger’s and Jacques Derrida’s Work”

15:10-15:30 Lim Mun Chin / “Buddhism, Funeral Rites, and Theravada Tradition”

15:30-15:50 Pattamawadee Sankheangaew / “A Problematic Study of Modern Japanese Philosophy in Thailand: A Digital Era and Globalization”

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

8.30 – 9.00 Registration English Papers

9:00-9:20 Bhante Tenzin Dorjee / “The Nāgarjuna’s Concept of the Nirvāṇa”

9:20-9:40 Kanchana Horsaengchai / “An Integrated Model of Ecological Farming and Sustainable Development by Buddhist Peaceful Means”

9:40-10:00 Anoma Sakhare / “Anāgārika Dhammapāla’s Contribution in the Proliferation of Buddhism”

10.00-10:20 Venerable Shimo Sraman / “Buddhist Ethos of Cordiality and its Pertinency as a Network for Monastic Community Singularity”

10:20-10:40 Julius, Zhu Leijie / “Self or Non-self: An Epistemological Survey from Early Buddhism Perspective”

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

13.00-14.15 (Thai Discussion Panel) การวิจัยด้านปรัชญาและศาสนา (ปรัชญาศาสนา) ในสังคมไทย วิทยากร (1) ผศ.ดร.วรากรณ์ พูลสวัสดิ์ ม.ราชภัฎนครปฐม (2) พระมหาขวัญชัย กิตติเมธี (ดร.) คณะพุทธศาสตร์ มจร. ผู้ดำเนินรายการ: ผศ.ดร.อันธิฌา แสงชัย (มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี)

14.15-14.30 Closing Ceremony

Registration Non-members, 1,000 Baht Members of the PARST, 800 Baht Foreign participants (members or non-members), 30 US dollars Please pay via Western Union, Jerd Bandasak, and send your payment receipt to

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